9 things to never plug into a power strip

Plugging electrical appliances into power strips is super practical and economical, but it can also carry certain risks. Very energy-consuming devices or overloading the power strip can lead to real failures, damaging household appliances, causing power outages, or even fires. How do I know? It happened to me. Since then, I’ve been extremely careful about what I plug in. Let’s discover 9 devices to never plug into a power strip.

First, look at the maximum power of the power strip. On all power strips, the maximum power they can support is indicated on the power cable. So, before plugging in your electrical devices, check this information. You must add the power of each device plugged into the power strip.

How do you know the power of each device? This information is usually written on each electrical device. For example, if your power strip tolerates a maximum power of 3500 W and you plug in an oven (2500 W), a vacuum cleaner (800 W), and a kettle (250 W), you exceed 3500 W (2500 + 800 + 250 = 3550 W). In this case, unplug one of the electrical devices from the power strip to stay below its maximum power threshold. Otherwise, it can be very dangerous. Now let’s look at the devices that should not be plugged into a power strip.

1.The Oven: Among the most energy-intensive household appliances. Provide an individual wall outlet to avoid dangerous overheating.

2.The Refrigerator: Constantly consumes electricity, better plugged into a wall outlet to avoid overheating of the extension cord.

3.The Washing Machine: Consumes a lot of electricity (on average 1150 kWh per year), not recommended for a power strip.

4.Auxiliary Heating: Plug directly into a wall outlet to avoid overloading the power strip.

5.The Microwave:



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