Natural Skin Care: What Can You Try To Remove Age Spots, Moles, Skin Tags, Warts, And Blackheads?

Natural Skin Care: What Can You Try To Remove Age Spots, Moles, Skin Tags, Warts, And Blackheads?
There is a lot of pressure in today’s society to have a perfect, flawless complexion. Culturally things like age spots, moles, skin tags, blackheads, and warts are simply not desirable. While there are many remedies that your doctor or dermatologist can give you for these things, natural skin care products and techniques can be just as effective for much lower cost and fewer side effects. This is how to take care of these common skin problems naturally.

Natural Skin Care For Common Skin Problems
For many skin problems, there are treatments available from your doctor or dermatologist that are very effective. The only problem is that they can be costly and can even sometimes do damage to the healthy skin around them. Perhaps these traditional treatments can even leave scars. Thankfully, natural skin care has many options to first try to address these conditions at home before. As always, monitor your skin for signs of unwanted side effects. If the problem doesn’t go away, go see your doctor or dermatologist.

Age Spots and Hyperpigmentation
close up of hyperpigmentation on a womanclose up of hyperpigmentation on a woman


Over the course of our lives, we are exposed to many elements. The most prominent of those is our own sun. Though we need sunshine for our health, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can be highly damaging to the skin. Often that damage we don’t see until decades later, in the form of what colloquially we call age spots. Age spots are simply hyperpigmentation of the skin, aka the darkening of certain patches or spots, caused by sun exposure and damage.

The first, and most important, aspect of age spots is prevention. From the time you are young, you should be using sunscreen with a minimum SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 every day, even in the winter and when it’s cloudy. On top of that, you should be wearing sun-protective clothing, like hats and sunglasses. Once you’ve already got some age spots showing up, however, there are a few natural skin care remedies that you can use to help decrease them.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Studies show that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar (AVC) may lighten skin pigmentation. To use ACV on the skin, you first need to combine it with equal parts water, otherwise, it will be too harsh. Apply the mixture to dark patches and leave on for two to three minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and repeat twice daily.



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